Riding The Continental Divide by Mountain Bike August 2022 “It’s not the ordinary things you do that defines your life, it’s the extraordinary.” Trip Overview: Stu Markey contacted me in the winter of 2022 all excited to ride his bike down the Continental Divide (Part 2 Helena MT to Jackson WY) Being of sound mind and sober thinking, I did not say ‘yes’ until late May 2022. So just to be clear, for “fun” the idea is to load everything we needed to survive for 500 miles onto our mountain bikes and pedal the bike up and over all the highest mountains in the USA. The Continental Divide Trail is touted as the longest trail in all the USA spanning from Canada to the Mexican borders. If you have a short attention span, you can read the next part of what actually transpired. The longer journal is chronicled below the stats section. The Stat’s Here's the results of the trip if you're a numbers guy ...